Sharjeel Usmani, a student activist from Aligarh Muslim University, who was actively involved in the anti CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act) protests held in December 2019 was arrested by five plain clothed people who claimed to be from the crime branch.
He was having his evening tea outside his house when the arrest occurred. Sharjeel’s parents broke into tears. They could not fathom what was happening. Neither were they allowed to have a conversation with him nor were they told the reason for the arrest. Sharjeel’s father said there were no warrant report and the men came in plain clothes and cuffed him, took his laptop and other belongings.
Aligarh police officer confirmed the arrest and reported that the case relates to the protests led by Sharjeel Usmani against the CAA-NRC-NPR at the Aligarh Muslim University campus held in December 2019.
Usmani had also been a vocal critic of the targeting of other anti-CAA activists and students including Sharjeel Imam, Safoora Zargar, Umar Khalid, Aasif Iqbal Tanha, Chandrashekhar Ravan and Meeran Haider, who had been arrested under various acts .
Sharjeel Usmani had been booked earlier by the Police earlier for an objectionable post on Lal Krishna Advani. The post had a photograph of the veteran BJP leader with the caption “Punish those guilty of Babri Demolition”.
He also writes for websites like Firstpost , DailyO and Newslaundry on issues pertaining to governance, democracy and minority rights.